Thursday, October 15

Happy Birthday Gonzster!!!

Hey buddy!

Just wanted to let you and all your loved ones know that your spirit and fond memory lives on in my heart and thoughts. And I still often find myself viewing the world and people through a lens indelibly colored by your wisdom and my friendship with you. With my own advancing in years I am slowly growing in my understanding and appreciation of you in ways previously inaccessible to my young and immature mind. Sorry you weren't here to revel in 8 "glorious" years of Obama or to scoff at the spectacle that has been Trump's presidential bid. And I'm sorry I didn't get to experience the unique spin only you would have put on all of the above and every other aspect of my life into which you poured so much of yourself over the years.

Love to you, your dear mom and brothers, and to all who still hold you close!

Much love always,

(Mountain View, CA)

Picture taken Oct 10th, 2015 with your Crocs!